COVID-19 Self-Assessment

If you think you have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has it, use this self-assessment to help determine how to seek further care.

This information is not intended to provide medical advice. If you have medical questions, consult a health practitioner.

COVID-19 Self-Assessment

Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms?
  • severe difficulty breathing (for example, struggling for each breath, speaking in single words)
  • severe chest pain
  • having a very hard time waking up
  • feeling confused
  • lost consciousness

COVID-19 Self-Assessment

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Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms (or a combination of these symptoms)?
  • fever
  • new cough
  • difficulty breathing (for example, struggling for each breath, cannot hold breath for more than 10 seconds)

COVID-19 Self-Assessment

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Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms (or a combination of these symptoms)?
  • muscle aches
  • fatigue
  • headache
  • sore throat
  • runny nose

COVID-19 Self-Assessment

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Self-assessment result It is unlikely that you have COVID-19.

Practice social distancing in order to decrease risk of COVID-19 transmission.

You should also self-isolate if you:

  • are over 70
  • are immunocompromised (for example if you have HIV/AIDS, are receiving immunosuppression therapy or treatment for cancer or have had a transplant)
  • have returned to Pakistan from travel in the last 14 days
  • have come into contact with someone with respiratory symptoms

COVID-19 Self-Assessment

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Take the assessment again
Self-assessment result
Please call (021) 35060072 or go directly to your nearest emergency department.

COVID-19 Self-Assessment

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Have you travelled outside of Pakistan in the last 14 days?

COVID-19 Self-Assessment

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Does someone you are in close contact with have COVID-19 (for example, someone in your household or workplace)?

COVID-19 Self-Assessment

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Are you in close contact with a person who is sick with respiratory symptoms (for example, fever, cough or difficulty breathing) who recently travelled outside of Pakistan?

COVID-19 Self-Assessment

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Self-assessment result
It is unlikely that you have COVID-19 but you should self-isolate at home until you are symptom-free.
You should:
  • Only leave your home or see other people for essential reasons, and where possible seek services over the phone or online or ask for help from friends, family or neighbours.
  • Continue to monitor your health after your symptoms started.
  • Not call your primary care provider or Telehealth Ontario unless your symptoms worsen or you develop new symptoms.

COVID-19 Self-Assessment

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Self-assessment result
Please seek clinical assessment for COVID-19 over the phone.
Contact either:
  • your primary care provider (for example, family doctor) for a virtual assessment
  • Please call (021) 35060072 and to speak with a registered nurse
You should:
  • Only leave your home or see other people for essential reasons, and where possible seek services over the phone or online or ask for help from friends, family or neighbours.
The majority of COVID-19 illnesses are mild. A clinician can help guide whether you will require further care or potential testing in person. Let them know that you have used this self-assessment tool.
If you start to experience worsening symptoms, please visit your local emergency department. Call before you go and let them know you have used this self-assessment tool.